Monday, July 10, 2017

The Tedious Process Of Implementing Cannabis Laws In California

Since the 2016 Election, Patient Advocacy Network has watched the slow, steady process in Sacramento to combine MMRSA (the medical marijuana law of 2015) and AUMA (Prop. 64 of 2016).  As of this post 61 marijuana-related bills are active in Sacramento.  The unique and tedious situation in California is applying regulations to an extensive and thriving medical cannabis industry that has existed for decades.  The real test will be how the new rules affect the existing businesses. 

PAN communicates regularly with Sacramento officials about the affordability of medical cannabis mandated by the Compassionate Use Act.  One of the biggest threats to patients is a bureaucracy, and fees and taxes that will make medical cannabis too expensive for low and moderate income, and disabled patients.  The new rules make it very disadvantageous for dispensaries to provide free or greatly reduced medical cannabis to its most vulnerable patient members.   

Last few months PAN has also been extremely busy with medical cannabis providers preparing for local approval and state permitting.  Despite what seems like legislative chaos in Sacramento, the new regulatory bureau and associated departments state they will be ready to take applications January 1, 2018. 

We will not know what is working or not until full implementation.  PAN is seeking feedback from patients and providers as to how the new rules are impacting access and compliance, respectively.   Any grievances will be taken up with our state elected officials at that time.

PAN is also extremely effective in helping patients get regulations on the local level.  We have stopped bans and assisted with crafting workable guidelines to protect patients and communities.  Please contact us if you have questions about getting (better) medical cannabis regulations in your community. 

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